
I prefer a couple of weeks notice but at minimum a week's notice to set up your very first visit. That gives us time to discuss your needs, and make decisions on how to best tailor your session just for you. I do require a deposit for first time clients. However, if you find, at the last minute, that you will be in the area, you can certainly let me know and I will see if it is possible to schedule a time for you.
The relationship between Auntie and a niece or nephew is special, and taking a little time allows both of us to be comfortable about a real-time meeting. I do not charge for emails or phone calls (within reason) for us to establish that connection. However, I do tend to stay busy, so I may not be able to answer immediately.
I specialize in Sensory Spankings, Role Play, Therapeutic Spankings, and/or Disciplinary Spankings. I also offer Life Coaching with an Individualized Behavior Plan tailored just for you. I love working with Couples and do Online Consultation/Direction for specific situations.
I need to restate: I do not engage in BDSM activities with clients. My clothes always stay on. I don't really have "outfits or costumes." This is not a sexual service, and any request for such will end the session immediately and I will ask you to leave. With that caveat in mind, if you have a need, desire, or idea about something specific, feel free to contact me. I'll be happy to discuss it and if it is not something I do, I will certainly let you know. I'm not judgmental until I actually have you over my lap and the paddle in my hand. Then, I become judge, jury and...Disciplinarian. I promise you won't feel neglected....
Individual- Working one-on-one is a wonderful way to address your specific needs. I will get to know you very well; not only your specific needs and desires, but also your beginning tolerances, how you react at different stages, and what really works best for you. You may be surprised at what you learn about yourself as well. Establishing a sense of trust is very important. Please know that we will discuss all sessions in detail beforehand, but once we get started, Your Auntie Rhi knows best. Then, all negotiating is finished and I will be immune to pleading and wailing. It's for your own good, after all, and we all know it will hurt me more than it does you!
Sensory Spanking sessions are ideal for clients who have never experienced spanking as an adult or just simply like to be spanked without a role-play scenario. Of course, the methods, implements, and intensity will be tailored to your tolerances, which we will be learning together during your first visit. I am very good at watching body language, as well as the condition of the skin to judge how we are progressing, but I also employ the, tried and true, traffic light safe word method: "Yellow" means you are getting close to your limit, and I'll know to slow down a bit, or lighten up a little. "Red" means stop...full stop.... I will respect your boundaries and much prefer that you use "yellow" rather than wait till you can not take any more.. If you ask me to push them some, I'll still be watching for your sincere limits. I do not have a personal agenda when it comes to "how much you can take." That is a very individual thing and you can't compare yourself to another person.
Role-Play covers a variety of domestic and other possibilities. Just to reiterate, all references to "boy/girl," "child," or any reference that might be thought of as a "non-adult" is purely a term of endearment, as all clients will be 21 or over. Sometimes clients want to recreate and relive an experience they have had, others wish to live out an experience they wish they'd had. Various roles might be Auntie/nephew-niece, Governess/ward, Babysitter/child, Mommy/son, Wife/husband, Girlfriend/boyfriend, Teacher/student, Boss/employee, Nurse-Doctor/patient, or maybe you deserve a court-ordered spanking for some infraction. The intensity of these sessions can be moderate to severe, but again, every individual is unique. What is mild for you might be severe for the next person, so we'll make sure to determine your needed intensity. To stay in role, I generally ask "So, do you think have you learned your lesson???" Any tentative answer, anything but a solid "Yes ma'am." gives me the indication that you can take and need a bit more. I'll still be watching your body language and the condition of your bottom. Let me know the journey your imagination might take us.
Therapeutic Spanking is designed to allow for the warm glow, the release of tensions, or even the catharsis that a spanking can bring. The actual pain is not usually the primary focus, though again, the intensity will be specific to the needs of the individual. Some people need the pain to bring up the endorphins to reach the state of consciousness they are looking for. Rhythmic breathing and biofeedback techniques are employed to assist with the transition. Generally, I put on some music or relaxing sounds during the session, as well as use specific scents to induce relaxation and attain the desired space. Aftercare is more involved, as it's important for the client to be guided back from the experience.
Disciplinary Spanking can be indicated in a situation where a client has done something that they do, or maybe just should, feel bad about. Taken to task for bad behavior can be good for both accountability and motivation. Again we will set up specifics beforehand, but once we're in the session, you are going to get your bottom tanned. Some scenarios have been: having stolen a bike when the client was a child; texting while driving; driving under the influence; smoking too much; drinking too much; talking hatefully to wife, husband, co-workers, or family members; failing to meet a deadline, and on and on.
Life Coaching with Disciplinary Spankings. Some people need a bit of real motivation and accountability for real-life issues. A custom disciplinary program will be designed both with you and for you, to address real issues in your life. This includes working with you to set up reasonable, measurable, and obtainable goals, rules, and/or schedules for behavior; as well as specific consequences for failing to meet goals or breaking rules, along with rewards for positive progress. You will report to me at least once weekly by email, phone, text, or whatever method we agree on. At that time we will discuss how you are doing with your plan, any immediate consequences that are needed, and what you will expect at your next visit. Some areas that a behavior plan can address are weight loss; chronic lateness; keeping the house clean; meeting deadlines at work or on home projects. Generally, we set up 7-10 goals. If the goal is far-reaching, it might need to be broken up into measurable and obtainable pieces. It's important that there are steps that allow us to see progress, so you will be motivated by that success as well. I'll be your cheerleader, as well as your disciplinarian. I want you to succeed...
A Behavior Plan is good for 6 months, and only works in conjunction with regular in-person visits, minimally once a month, however, I have seen clients as often as weekly, depending on their needs. In some special cases, I have used online sessions when the distance was insurmountable. The plan also provides for a specific reduction in the session rate during that 6 month period.
Couples: I love working with couples! If you have a specific situation you don't see outlined here, by all means, drop me a note, and let's discuss it. Chances are we can figure out a way to develop something to meet your specific needs. Here are some instances in which couples have come to me: A person who wants to learn to spank his/her spouse, and needs some real-time hands-on instruction and experience. A spouse who isn't comfortable inflicting the actual punishment, but is supportive and/or even desirous of her husband receiving the punishment for behavior she finds intolerable. In one specific case, the wife keeps track of goals missed or rules broken and sends a note with the boy, when he comes to visit, pinned to his shirt. She also inspects my return note, his bottom, and then discusses his spanking when he returns home. I have a few more whose wives email me to set up his visit and outlines the behavior that needs to be addressed. A spouse who wants and needs domestic discipline (spankee) may have a difficult time communicating the intricacies of performing that discipline to his/her partner (Spanker), even if the partner is willing to try. Having an experienced Auntie to help explain, give a demonstration, instruction and hands-on direction can assist with the learning curve. This can make the Spanker feel more confident, and in turn, the spankee to have more confidence in the Spanker. This also allows the spankee to stay in a non-directive role. That helps keep the spanking roles consistent. I would like to add, be careful what you ask for. I have one couple, in which the wife stepped up so well, he is (sometimes) sorry about encouraging her, lol. A couple might have a role play that they would really both want to participate in or that would need a strict Auntie to set the tone.
Online/Phone Consultations-I am also available for email, phone consultations, FaceTime, and/or Skype sessions, either on their own merit or to augment your regular visits. When we begin to communicate, we will go over specifically what your needs are and discuss the possibilities more in detail. I do NOT, however, write stories. I don't enjoy it, I'm not good at it, and therefore it stresses me out. NO ONE wants a stressed Auntie, lol, and I don't want you to be disappointed. Any email role play must be interactive on your part. I take Venmo and Zelle, however, please DO NOT send me money before we both understand and agree on the format we're going to follow.
The very best first step is to fill out the Questionnaire. There is a button on the contact page that will take you to it. It is designed to collect information so that I can tailor your visit specifically for you. It may also help you collect your thoughts and consider specifics you had not thought about before. The more information I have the better.